Make Time to Eat and Enjoy Foods as a Family this Easter
On many occasions during my day I hear people say that they don’t have time to....
I always think that they have 4hrs to watch the box!
Cooking should be part of the daily schedule where to take time to enjoy preparing a lovely meal for yourself.
I am a culprit for not spending enough time to take a lunch break. So I have taken it upon myself to make the time and effort to eat lunch (leftovers from the previous night cook are perfect for this) it fuels my body to do the necessary work needed.
Good cooking is about using time well and effectively.
Time not thyme is also an ingredient and is an essential part of the art of cooking.
Some dishes take longer to cook where others are quick.
I have seen many experienced home cooks produce wonderful dishes, talking, gossiping, preparing ingredients, cooking and then serving out the food and eating together as a family. It’s a recipe in itself a ritual.
With Indian food taking time to prepare is essential. My mum would show me as a young cook her acute knowledge, awareness of how to time the stages of various dishes so it’s just right. It’s experience and a real skill to be able to do this. I know I I’m getting there.
Seconds -peeling garlic using Bini’s method